Health Care Professionals

According to the WHO (World Health Organization), there are 8,652,107 doctors and 16,689,250 nursing and midwifery personnel in the world. Provision per 10,000 population is 14.2% and 28.1%, respectively. For example,, Partnership HealthPlan, serves people living in California with medical services.

Moral characteristic features of a medical healthcare provider

According to surveys, for patients, the moral qualities of medical personnel play a major role in her healthcare. The professionalism of doctors is taken for granted. Trusting a medical professional, patients expect him to demonstrate the highest moral qualities:

Professional qualifications of accurate healthcare professionals

In people’ opinion, a true doctor should strive to have his own thoughts, that is, to have a special kind of thinking – clinical. This is very difficult, since a modern person living in a post-industrial civilization has nothing of his own, since he lives in a world where his thoughts and feelings are lost in the general culture. As a result of a lack of understanding by many doctors of the problem essence depth, there is a loss of a sense of moral responsibility for the preservation of the health of their patients in particular and of humanity in general.

There is no doubt that the interaction between doctor and patient is an integral part of daily clinical practice. Depending on the personality traits of the doctor, the specific situation, the nature of the care provided and the characteristics of the patient, the doctor is able to choose the necessary and effective model of the doctor-patient relationship. Since the degree of trust and interaction will depend on the doctor’s ability to build interpersonal relationships with the patient, and, as a result, improve the quality of medical care.

A high level of responsibility, the presence of extreme working conditions, lack of time, information overloads are factors that accompany medical workers during their working hours. As a result of the impact of the above negative factors, medical personnel at all levels are subject to a three-component structure of burnout, and, as a consequence, psychoemotional exhaustion, cynicism and reduction of professional achievements, which can subsequently contribute to the deterioration of the medical care provided. In this regard, even at the stages of study in universities, psychological and professional training of students, in our opinion, plays an important role. A trained specialist with the necessary acquired skills and abilities (working with conflict patients, keepinng stable personal interactions with colleagues, normalizing rest and work regimen) is capable of introspection and independent overcoming of emerging stresses.